Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Evaluation chapter3 Terms in using ICT

Page 106-109
A. Multiple Choice

1. A.a concept of truth in the society of human thoughts
2. C.Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual
3. B.Windows Vista
4. C.copyright purchase
5. E.a law threat
6.A.5 years
7.A.Law No.19/2002
8.C.people's low income
9.A.a month
10.C.freeware and shareware
B. Essay
1. Name saveral factors that make someone prever using illegal softwares.
2.describe the difference between ethics and morality in the society.
3. what is meant by the patent rights of a product.
4. Explain the correct position/posture to use a computer.
5.what is the abbrevation of HAKI.
 1.a.Low income
    b.low education level
    c.the cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively expensive
   d.low law enforcement
   e.lack of  awareness to use genuine software

2.ethics is a rule of conduct that is favorable within the community,while morality authorized what is good and     bad.
3.this is to prevent the new product to be duplicated,counterfeited or imitated by other people or company.
4.the good sitting is to sit on a seat whit a back-rest,and the head is not so hight in order to keep the linear          distance whit the monitor.keyboard  and mouse are advised to be easilly acessible by hand. a comfortable      sitting position will increase work effectivity and productivity.
5.Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual.