Kamis, 25 November 2010


Perintah SUHU Pintarkan Berkomputer (PSPB) !

  1. Carilah artikel tentang segala hal yang berkaitan dengan Maintenace (Perawatan) Komputer. Komputer akan awet, tak gampang rusak bilamana Si User Komputer pandai-pandai merawatnya. Mengapa Anda terlihat cantik, gantheng dan segar ? Kuncinya,"Maintenance (Perawatan)" sedemikian rupa misalnya : mandi, gosok gigi, keramas pakai shampoo, jerawatan diobati, sakit diobati, rambut gondrong dicukur, kuku panjang dipotong, gigi tak merata dipangkur, pakaian serba rapi dan bersih, dll di mana kesemuanya tak dilakukan secara asal-asalan, namun tentunya menerapkan Aturan Main. Selama aturan main dipatuhi, maka semuanya akan berjalan normal dengan hasil memuaskan.
  2. Abadikan di Blog Anda masing-masing !
  3. Upayakan membuat Karya Artikel dengan Gaya Diri Sendiri tentunya akan lebih baik
  4. Tidak direkomendasikan asal Copy Paste begitu saja. Bilamana Copy Paste, jangan lupa mencantumkan sumber pengambilannya.
YANG HARUS DICARI sebagai berikut :

  1. Cara Mendeteksi Komputer Kena Serangan Virus
  2. Cara Menyecan Virus
  3. Cara Menangani Virus
  4. Cara Menangani Virus Lokal
  5. Cara Menangani Virus Asing
  6. Tutorial Maintenance Komputer Personal Computer (PC)
  7. Tutorial Maintenance Komputer Laptop
  8. Tutorial Maintenance Komputer Notebook
  9. Tutorial Maintenance Komputer Netbook
  10. Tutorial Maintenance Komputer Jaringan (LAN) 
  11. Tutorial Maintenance Printer
  12. Tutorial Maintenance Monitor
  13. Tutorial Maintenance Keyboard
  14. Tutorial Maintenace Flash Disk
  15. Tutorial Maintenance CD VCD
  16. Tutorial Maintenance CD DVD
  17. Tutorial Maintenance Mother Board (MOBO)
  18. Tutorial Maintenance Hard Disk
  19. Tutorial Maintenance Memory
  20. Tutorial Maintenance CD ROM Jenis Read Only dan RW.
  21. Tutorial Maintenace DVD ROM Jen is Read Olnly dan RW.
  22. Tutorial Trik Tips Menghindari Berbaghai Jenis Penipuan Di Internet
  23. Silahkan berburu Software Gratis untuk didownload yakni :
• The Latest Free ANSAV+Update
• The Latest Free NOD32+Update
• The Latest Free AVIRA+Update
• The Latest Free PDF Creator
• The Latest Free Acrobat Reader
• The Latest Free Adobe Reader
24. Jelaskan kegunaan seluruh Software yang Anda download pada soal nomor 19 tersebut di atas !
25. Alasan orang membuat virus komputer
26. Sebutkan hikmah pemeberian tugas di atas bagi Anda

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Evaluation Of Semester 1

A. Multiple Choice
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. E
9. D
10. D
11. E
12. B
13. C
14. E
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. E
19. E
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. E
28. D
29. A
30. C

B. Essay
1. Explain the proper way to turn a computer on and off.
Answer : 
To turn on :
  1. Ensure that all power cable in a computer a connected 
  2. Turn on the CPU by pressing the on or power button on the cashing
  3. Turn on the monitor by pressing the on or power button on the monitor 
  4. Wait until the booting procedure is finished, which is shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor screen
To turn off :
  1. Close all active application programs
  2. Click the start button on the desktop menu.
  3. Click the shutdown button 
  4. Wait a moment until the computer is shutting down
2. Name several categories of application softwre.
Answer :   1. Word processor ( Office Suite )
                 2. Graphic Suite
                 3. Multimedia 
                 4. Web browser
3. Explain briefly about computer operation.
Answer : Computers are electronic appliances that could process data and produce information. Data is all input received by a computer. Data can be letters, numbers, graphs, diagrams, etc. Data in a computer is processed with progamming language. All data will be converted into binary numbers in order to be read by the computer. The data that has been processed by computers are then converted into information. Information is is composition of data that is understood by human.
* User-input-CPU-output

4. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM.
Answer : * ROM is Read Only Memory
               * The function is to save computer operation program

5. Name word processing software from Windows Vista  operating system.
Answer : 1. Notepad
              2. Wordpad

6. Name types of plash memory that you know.
Answer : * CV        * SD       * MMC         * Memory Stick          * xD

7. Name three examples of computer neetwork topology.
Answer : - Bus Topology
              - Star Topology
              - Ring Topology

8. What are ethics in using ICT device in the places of worship?
Answer :  1. To avoid using ICT devices in the places of worship, lecture classes, during a discussion, and other occassions that may disrup people's concentration
               2. To switch into silent or vibrate mode when entering the aforementioned environment.

9. Name aspects to be aware of in using a cellphone.
Answer : * Use a handsfree device to reduce the electromagnetic wave.
              * Don't use the cellphone while driving.
              * Don't use cellphone on a plane.
              * Don't use a cellphone in a gas station.

10. Describe the advantages of using genuine software.
Answer : - Free application software updates
               - Official technician support
               - Upgrade discount
               - Software manual 
               - Guaranteed free from virus and spy ware

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Evaluation chapter3 Terms in using ICT

Page 106-109
A. Multiple Choice

1. A.a concept of truth in the society of human thoughts
2. C.Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual
3. B.Windows Vista
4. C.copyright purchase
5. E.a law threat
6.A.5 years
7.A.Law No.19/2002
8.C.people's low income
9.A.a month
10.C.freeware and shareware
B. Essay
1. Name saveral factors that make someone prever using illegal softwares.
2.describe the difference between ethics and morality in the society.
3. what is meant by the patent rights of a product.
4. Explain the correct position/posture to use a computer.
5.what is the abbrevation of HAKI.
 1.a.Low income
    b.low education level
    c.the cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively expensive
   d.low law enforcement
   e.lack of  awareness to use genuine software

2.ethics is a rule of conduct that is favorable within the community,while morality authorized what is good and     bad.
3.this is to prevent the new product to be duplicated,counterfeited or imitated by other people or company.
4.the good sitting is to sit on a seat whit a back-rest,and the head is not so hight in order to keep the linear          distance whit the monitor.keyboard  and mouse are advised to be easilly acessible by hand. a comfortable      sitting position will increase work effectivity and productivity.
5.Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual.

Kamis, 30 September 2010

Aaakh sekedar contoh

Sebelum membaca kisah dibawah ini, persiapkan diri anda untuk tertawa selebar lebarnya atau menangis sekeras-kerasnya tertawa dan menangis selama lamanya sampai mati atau tertawa dan menangis sepelan pelannya 

Nyamuk berdentang
Kambing berkokok
Sapi mengeong
Kucing menggonggong
Adiknya kakaknya alias angga berdesis-desis kayak ular kobra
Faisal sedang bertelur dan akan menetas seribu tahun lagi

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Evaluation of Chapter 1

A.Multiple Choice set computer software operations
3.E.Adobe Photoshop
4.C.turning on the CPU by pressing the Restart button on the casing
5.A.shut down
6.C.choose the Delete button device
8.C.reset Sart Menu,click Microsoft Word
10.A.clicking Start,chossing Program,clicking

1.How to turn on a computer properly?
2.What do you know about the Reset button?
3.Name several ways to open an application in Windows Vista.
4.What is Office Suite?Mention examples of Office Suite.
5.Name several examples of application system that is compatable with Windows Vista operating sistem.

  Answer for Essay
1.a.Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected.
   b.Turn on the CPU by pressing the On or Power button on the casing.
   c.Turn on the monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the monitor.
  d.Wait until the bootig procedure is finished,which in shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor
2.The reset button is used only if the computer does not respond.
3.a.By Using Shortcuts on the Desktop      
   b.By Using Sart Menu
      There 2 ways to access an application from Sart Menu:
      @ Start Menu,All Program,Application Folder,click on the applicstion.
      @Start Menu,Type application name in the Start Search colunm and press Enter.
   c.By Using the Related Document
4.Office Suite (Word Processor):is software for documenting letters,books,reports,work papers,ect.
    For example,Microsoft Office 2007,,and Abiword.
5.The softwares included in Windows Vista are Notepad,Wordpad,Paint,Windows Media

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Chapter 1. Basic Operating Sistem

Evalution of Chapter 2

A.Multiple Choice
1.A.every input that is reseived by a computer that is reseived by a computer
4.B.base-2 number sistem
5.E.0 and 1
8.B.Control Unit
10.C.ring topology

1.In ASCII code,by what code is letter W represented?
2.Name and explain all supporting devices inside a CPU.
3.What is the abbreviation and the funtion of ROM?
4.Name three exsamples of network interface cards.
5.Name several cables that use on a wired network.
    Answer for essay
1.the letter W is represented by the number code 87.
2.a.A CPU socket,which is where a microprocessor is placed.
   b.A memory slot,which is where a computer memory is placed.
   c.A chipset, which is a chip that regulates the interaction among devices.there are a south bridge chip and a
      northridge chip.
   d.An expantion slot,such as PCI,AGP<and PCI express.
   e.A power connector to received electrical input from the power supply unit (PSU) and then distributes the
      electricity to all connecting devices
3.ROM (Read Only Memory) is a permanent memory that can be read but cannot be updated. ROM is to
   save computer operation program,such as BIOS  and booting
4.there are several NIC types in the market, such as:ethernet,arcnet,and token ring.the most commonly used
   of all the there is ethernet
5.a.  UTP Cable ( Unshielded Twisted Pair)
   b.STP Cable ( Shielded Twisted Pair )
   c.Coaxial cable
  d.Optical Fiber
  e.Wirelles Network.